Dream it! Create it! Live it! Course Creation and Book Writing Academy
Content creating have you down? Not anymore! With easy to implements steps and side by side coaching you will be a content creating rockstar in no time!
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Creating Online Courses and Writing Books Takes Time..
It's true, there can be a lot to consider when creating monetizeable content such as online courses and books.
Questions like this might be flooding your mind - Where do I start? How do I know my idea will create me a profit system? How do I publish my content?
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, leaving you never creating anything or creating something that doesn't sell!
It Doesn't Have To Be Hard!
I have created dozens of content pieces including courses for a local college, online courses, masterclasses and more. Iv'e published 7 of my own books 6 of which were bestsellers on Amazon. I know how to build content that returns a profit.
In the Dream it! Create it! Live It academy I will take you step by step mentoring you along the way through coaching and group sessions to :
1. Prepare: Preparing allows you to build the solid foundation you need to really flourish
2. Plan: With a plan of action you are more likely to experience success
3. Execute: Put those skills you have learned into action
You will also experience three areas of execution:
1. Discover and Uncover: This phase will ensure you have uncovered and discovered everything you can. It will also have you really ready to create by getting your surrounding environment ready, your mindset ready and really creating for you a solid foundation to build on.
2. Create and Customize: This phase is all about getting the work done. You will be presented with easy to take action steps that are provided in a fill in the blank format ensuring your success, no matter what your creating once you learn the steps you will be able to generate profit.
3. Launch and Profit: You will go through a step by step launching and profiting sequence which will take you from beginning to seeing that first bit of profit in your account!
These three stages will take you from idea/concept, to creation of content, ending you up with a launch that returns you a profit!
You will learn:
*How to easily and quickly, in 5 steps, create your content without compromising quality
*How to find and answer the "need" question to provide what your audience wants in a course and book
*You will be walked through the sprout launch to grow your list as well as the bloom and blossom lunches to keep adding to that list
*You'll be mentored throughout the entire process. No more overwhelm or unsure actions. Just dedicated actions that lead to results
*Create your very own success calendar to guarantee no matter what you work on in the future you will have time for it! TIME FREEDOM is on the horizon!
*Develop the mindset of an athlete that will allow you to accomplish anything you set out to
*and much more...
Whether you are just starting out or looking to add something else to your exceptional profit generating machine this year long academy will help you with its step by step outline that takes you from the very begging to launching!
There is so much to discover and uncover about your very own passion and purpose driven business!
BONUS 1: Professionally designed cover for your book (Back and front) $300 value
BONUS 2: 6 Group sessions plus access to our academy private FB group $1500 Value
BONUS 3: Professionally designed interior for your book $300 value
BONUS 4: Social Media Package Editable Templates $60 Value
BONUS 5: Speaker One Sheet Editable Template $40 Value
BONUS 6: Professional Editing of your finished manuscript $
BONUS 7: Inclusion in Pre-Academy Access Anthology Book Project to jumpstart your contact list
BONUS 8: Clarity call/discovery call Workbook BONUS VALUE: $49
BONUS 9: The Million Dollar Fill in the Blank Planner: To plan your way there BONUS VALUE: $1,000,000 if you implement it and follow a step by step plan, if you don't use it and implement it fully it could still be thousands or hundreds of $'s for you in profit
BONUS 10: Calendar of Success Planning Video and Worksheet
BONUS 11: List Building Idea Sheet: This sheet will help you build your list with different ideas on how you can do that BONUS VALUE: $49
Your Instructor
Kristy-Lea Tritz is an International Best-Selling Author of 7 books, creative instructor and course developer, book and course creation coach, and artist.
She love working with other creatives and developing content that enhances the creative process.
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome to the academy! (20:29)
StartGetting the most out of the academy
StartOrientation Call Information
StartJoining the private FB Group
StartSuggested Course Completion Schedule Checklist
StartAccessing your resources
StartHow to book your one on one coaching sessions
StartSetting yourself up for success: Athlete Mindset..it matters
StartSelf Discovery Assessment
StartAudience Assessment
StartGROUP SESSION 1: Assessing and Reaching your audience
StartBecoming and avid problem solver
StartConducting research the easy way: Finding the hidden clues to your audiences problems
StartEpic brainstorming for endless ideas
StartDiscover your umbrella and rain drops for clarity in direction
StartChoosing your starting point
StartCapturing ideas as you go through the process
StartCOACHING SESSION 1: Overview of what you have so far: Gaining clarity
StartWhat is a sprout Launch (21:34)
StartPreparing for your sprout launch (41:12)
StartPlanning your sprout launch
StartPositioning yourself
StartCreating your launch materials
StartEditing your BONUS FB squares for your launch
StartCreating your launch FB group
StartEditing your BONUS FB banner for your group
StartProviding high value content to your group
StartMaking your irresistible offer
StartFollowing up with excitement prior to course material access
StartFinding out what your audience needs and wants bu asking great questions (Utilizing FB polls)
StartKnowing your numbers
StartSetting attainable goals
StartWhat to do to engage your group even after your sprout launch
StartGathering feedback from your clients
StartGathering testimonials from your clients
StartGROUP SESSION 2: GUEST SPEAKER: Sprout launching successfully
StartCOACHING SESSION 2: Overview of your launch
StartConstructing a winning title (21:10)
StartCreating your epic outline (12:46)
StartFinalizing your outline and title
StartChoosing your content delivery method (audio, video, written or combination)
StartCreating your content the easy way
StartEditing and finalizing your course materials
StartMaking changes as your sprout launch students go through your course
StartCreating additional materials to support your course outcomes
StartSetting up your course hosting account
StartUploading course materials
StartGROUP SESSION 3: Brainstorming and finalizing your content
StartCOACHING SESSION 3: Overview of your content